
연세대학교 생명과학부

BK21 연세바이오시스템 교육연구단


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진균유전학 세미나 개최 안내
  • 관리자
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  • 1331
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  • 2019-12-11 10:18:54


■ 세미나 개요
  1) 주제: An Insight Into the Fungal Kingdom
  2) 강연자: 이수찬 교수(UTSA(The University of Texas at San Antonio), Department of Biology)
  3) 세미나 일정: 2019년 12월 19일(목) ~ 2020년 1월 14일(화)
                        매주 화, 목 오후 3시~5시(총 8회)
  4) 수업 장소: 연세대학교 과학원 S118A호

■ 신청방법
  1) 제출 서류: 세미나 참가신청서(소정양식, 첨부)
  2) 제출 방법: 메일제출, pumpnara@yonsei.ac.kr
  3) 제출 마감: 2019.12.13(금)

■ 문의
     02)2123-4508, pumpnara@yonsei.ac.kr

■ Abstract

 Fungi are eukaryotes belonging to the Domain Opisthokonts along with animals in the tree of eukaryotic life. Fungi play key roles in the ecosystem as a natural decomposer of waste and in the production foods. Fungi can be a food in and of themselves. Fungi are valuable industrially, as they help to produce biofuels such as biodiesel and ethanol. They can also produce life-saving medicines such as antibiotics. In addition, many fungal systems have served as a model system to understand various biological problems. There are also negative aspects of fungi. Human fungal infections such as candidiasis, aspergillosis, mucormycosis, and cryptococcosis can be fatal to people with weak immune systems. Plant pathogenic fungi can cause serious economic losses to agriculture. Based on these various roles of fungi, this class covers these diverse aspects of studies of fungi, including fungal tree of life, sexual development, sense of environment, fungal genomes, interaction with human and animal hosts, antifungal drug resistance mechanisms, and fungi in biotechnology. 

다음글 2020-1 신진연구인력(연구교수) 지원신청안내
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